The Abominable Purse
In light hearted fairness and in good fun this will be a self deprecating little snippet on my colossal all time designing falls. All hail ( or run and hide ) I present to you : The ugly purse.
So sometimes you make mistakes, It is not entirely a bad thing, often it just is not a mind blowing out of the box crazy good piece. As long as you can salvage some type of life lesson or material from it, not all is always lost right? It happens not everything is a home run. Kobe Bryant has an off night and goes 1-14 once in a blue moon even, and he has won 5 championships. Well I tend to over try sometimes and have a difficult time letting go. Gambling and design do have some commonality, the key to possibly hitting the jackpot may be to know when to stop. Well the ugly purse is a great example of what happens when you don't stop. An abomination to all that is good and beautiful can come to fruition. I got a little heavy handed and over eager with the spray paint.

The Ugliest Purse Ever
It did not stop there unfortunately it was a snowball effect of just one bad decision after another. This bag is only befitting a viking funeral it needs to be sent out to sea and lit on fire. Now I had a hard time at first admitting the atrocity of my creation. Being of stubborn Sicilian descent it took someone to open my eyes and really see the hideousness of what I had just created. All these pieces I create are essentially an extension of myself so there can be a little difficulty in seeing them at face value and since I am fairly, I hate to say and admit it it reallys sucks,I would take a pill in a heartbeat to change it, I can be thinned skinned. I have to build up everything existing outside of myself due to the lack of inner security and confidence, so when a crash comes I feel it intensely.
Run From Ugly Fashion
Stupid, yes I know and unflattering as well, but I am a work in progress at least I realize it and that can be half the battle, ( G.I. Joe ! ) as I do have some new street chic rocker fashion, any who this is my worst creation. It happens, laugh mock it take it out back and shoot it. Goodbye ugly purse thank you for the laugh may you rest in peace and not haunt anyone's dreams. Run Away , Run Away !

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